Thomas E. Sabalaske DO
   How to prepare for a treatment:

wear comfortable, loose clothing
do not eat a heavy meal or drink too many fluids just before treatment

During your treatment you can expect to:

be observed lying down, standing or walking
receive hands on palpation from head to toe - No quick twisting or "cracking" techniques
be asked to push, pull or breathe with various maneuvers
respond to in depth questions regarding lifestyle situations that can affect your health situations
be taught a unique individualized home program of various stretches and/or exercises to help you
maintain your health

What to expect after a treatment:

increased mobility and functional abilities
decreased pain
increased energy as proper biomechanics decrease the amount of energy required to perform
mild soreness is possible in the treated areas for up to 48 hours
follow up is determined on an individual basis, usually once every few weeks in the early stages of
treatment, then weaning down to an as needed basis after the acute rehabilitation stage